Ebiet G Ade - Rembulan Menangis

Lirik lagu Ebiet G Ade - Rembulan Menangis And for free guitar chord can be found on this blog with the aim that the Indonesian or foreign music lovers can smoothly sing a song produced by creative musicians who subsequently could be known by the public.

In this case my blog as admin none other than just to help people who want to know about a song lyric and guitar chord sizable singing their role in the well for a vocal exercise, or also just to know the actual guitar chords that will be in learn on their own

For those of you who want to see the details of a song lyric Ebiet G Ade - Rembulan Menangis can see the text below which further can be memorized so that if you sing the song better heard with the corresponding correct lyrics are written by its creator, let's look carefully :

Lirik lagu

Chord Gitar Lirik Lagu Ebiet G Ade - Rembulan Menangis

Intro : C
Rembulan menangis
   G                 C
di serambi malam ho..
Em                    F                                  C
Intan buah hatimu dicabik tangan-tangan serigala
Bintang-bintang muram,
G                    C
beku dalam luka ho..
Em              F              C                    G
Untukmu saudaraku kami semua turut berduka

C                                    F
Lolong burung malam di rimba ho
C                             F
melengking menyayat jiwa
G                            F
Tangis kami pecah di batu
G                            F
duka kami remuk di dada
G                 F                       C        C
Doa kami bersama-sama untukmu, untukmu

Interlude : Am Em F G

Angin pun menjerit
G                      C
badai bergemuruh ho..
Semuanya marah
F                               C
hanya iblis terbahak, bersorak